Wiki: The Story of a Word
Only very occasionally do I write about myself or business pursuits, and I won't waste too much of your time here, but those of you who follow me in a non-The Wikipedian capacity may be aware that the small company I began a few years ago has become just a bit less small in recent months, and that we've rebranded as Beutler Ink. (You'll notice that link goes to our Facebook page; our new website is still about a week away.)
Along with our new name comes expanded offerings in creative services and visual communication. Today we've launched a project for our own fun and your edification, which has a decidedly Wikimedia-friendly angle. It's a vertical infographic about the evolution of the meaning and usage of the word "wiki" called Wiki: A Word's Journey. Click on the title, or the preview graphic below and see the full thing—along with a blog post expanding on the topic at the Beutler Ink Tumblr: