Audrey Tomason: Newly Minted Star of Washington, and Wikipedia?
Washington, DC (and those outside the Beltway who share its mindset) can't get enough of celebrity and celebrities. This is why it imports them each April for the White House Correspondents' Dinner. This is why phrases such as "famous for DC" and the blog Famous DC and the saying "Washington is Hollywood for ugly people" exist. And it explains, at least in part, the sudden prominence of one Audrey Tomason, the subject of several recent "who is she?" news treatments from the Washington Post, Daily Beast, Daily Mail and elsewhere. She is also now the subject of a one week-old Wikipedia article that has been viewed more than 42,000 times:

And yet it's not even agreed that she warrants a standalone Wikipedia article: there is so little information available that one of the few facts currently included is that she "regularly donates to the 'Tufts Fund for Arts, Sciences and Engineering.'" An outright majority of sources in the article are from Tufts University (three annual report links, one alumni magazine) and one is simply a link to a brief appearance on C-SPAN in which she introduces somebody else. That's awfully thin.
Wikipedia often chooses to delete articles about people notable for only one event, and in this case one might argue she is only possibly notable for appearing in a famous photograph. On the other hand, the Daily Mail reports that she is Director of Counterterrorism for the National Security Council, which sounds pretty important, although Wikipedia editors have expressed skepticism about the report. As one has pointed out, at this point she is more Internet meme than public figure.
So, will the article survive? It's too soon to say; for now editors are taking a wait-and-see approach. The answer ultimately may be up to the United States federal government, and whether they are willing to let her talk to the press. Chances are slim, and as the Washington Post points out, Wikipedia itself could even play a role:
If it’s true that Tomason’s job is of the clandestine nature, it’s reasonable to think that this photo will not be good for her career. Neither will her new Wikipedia page.